Software Consulting

Teamit delivers experienced software developers and architects to demanding software development projects. We offer whole teams or single developers to work in customers’ projects. Tailored software solutions can be delivered turn key.

Teamit‘s software developers and architects

Teamit’s software developers and architects have the strongest expertise in web and mobile development as well as modern development tools and methods. Teamit’s architects and project managers take part in the whole development cycle to ensure the fulfilment of customers requirements.

Software development

The projects are delivered based on customer requirements, time lines and budget. The projects are most often delivered based on some agile methodology, where customer has full visibility on the outcome and progress of the project.

Teamit is specialised in the following technologies and languages.

  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • React
  • Vue
  • Angular
  • Node
  • Java
  • Python
  • PHP
  • C#
  • React Native
  • iOS & Android
  • DevOps
  • Scrum, Lean, Kanban

Industries and customer domains

Teamit has experience in most customer domains and industries. During the years, we have mostly worked in the following domains:

  • Fintech, bank and insurance
  • Retail
  • Health tech
  • Energy
  • High Tech
  • Manufacturing
  • Public sector
  • Logistics
  • Gaming
  • Media
  • Telecommunications
  • Smart devices