Artifial Intelligence

Teamit implements versatile, innovative, and tailored artificial intelligence solutions using the latest methods that are suitable for the intended use. We deliver necessary services and solutions according to the customer’s needs: Surveying, Proof of Concept, Production, Training, and Maintenance.

Teamit’s Data Scientists

We offer our customers skilled artificial intelligence professionals who help in the implementation of AI solutions and related questions. Our service is based on both our own expertise and that of our partners. Our professionals have a strong understanding of AI at the strategic level as well as extensive experience in various AI implementations.

AI Assesment

Teamit helps to identify the potential use cases of AI in your business operations. We can also evaluate and update your previous AI implementations if needed, starting with a data analytics approach at the company’s strategic level.

AI-Kartoitus is a management tool that helps answer the following questions:

  • What AI use cases are available?
  • The current status of AI and analytics methods.
  • Risk assessment of solutions.
  • What are the business benefits, such as increased sales, improved efficiency, and cost savings?

AI-Kartoitus is carried out in close cooperation between the client company and Teamit.

AI – PoC

Based on the mapped use case, a Proof of Concept (PoC) can be created to investigate the feasibility and functionality of the use case. The PoC creates a candidate implementation and verifies its results. Based on the results and development, a utility analysis is performed, focusing specifically on the following factors:

  • Method reliability
  • Method’s impact on business
  • Quality of available data
  • Suitable tools and algorithms
  • Production and maintenance requirements

Depending on the situation, the implementation of PoC usually takes about 3-6 weeks. Based on the PoC, decisions can be made regarding production, further development, or examination of new use cases.

AI in to production

When the results of the PoC meet the set objectives, the PoC can be taken into production. We provide the necessary solutions comprehensively if needed; we deliver the product, train and support its use.

The suitability of the tools used in the PoC for production use is reassessed. Measurable targets are set for the production use of the AI solution, and an ROI calculation is made. The functionality of the AI solution in production must be monitored and continuously improved.