The secret to our success is having skilled professionals who are passionate about their work.
We want to provide our employees with the best conditions to succeed in their jobs.
Our goal is to be a workplace where people enjoy working for a long time.
First in Finland: Complete freedom of choice
We offer you a motivating salary that is tailored just for you. Whether you choose a fixed monthly salary or a commission-based salary, we promise that you will be satisfied with your pay.
A commission-based salary model based on customer invoicing might be suitable for you if you want to work in an entrepreneurial manner without taking on the risks of being an entrepreneur. Your monthly salary will be 50% of the customer invoicing that you generate. Additionally, the company will cover all overhead costs and ensure your security even in case of a bad day. Your salary will always be at least equal to the minimum guaranteed salary.
Choose the way we compensate you
“Our model is simply based on the fact that people have individual goals and needs, and their willingness to take risks also varies. Compensation should reflect these factors. That is why Teamit offers the opportunity to choose the way to be rewarded for your skills and performance.” – Jussi Heikkilä, CEO of Teamit.
100 % Satisfaction to benefits at Teamit
We offer the best conditions.
Our experts are experienced specialists.
Our customers expect expertise and insight from Teamit’s experts – and they rely on it. However, no one is left alone, as there is always a sparring partner in our team.
We invest in developing expertise.
Our employees have access to over 3500 courses. In addition, we not only organize development discussions but also coaching conversations and walks, as well as peer-to-peer coaching.
We have the widest range of different projects.
We focus on the latest Open Source technologies.
Our experts have the freedom to influence.
Our experts have the freedom to influence in the most significant societal development projects, implementing sustainable software solutions, as well as in the development of Teamit itself. We genuinely develop Teamit with transparency and the whole team’s input.
Employee satisfaction
How likely is it that a Teamit consultant would recommend Teamit as a workplace to a friend?
Teamit encourages and supports my development.
Teamit communicates adequately about personnel matters and changes.
Teamit discusses openly with me.
There is a good atmosphere among the employees of Teamit.
100 %
Of the consultants who responded to our survey, 100% are satisfied with the staff benefits offered by Teamit (2021).
Teamit Values
Attitude We do our best and are proud of the results – always.
Trust We trust people. We deliver what we promise.
We are transparent both internally and externally.
We are passionate for sustainable software development.
“Teamit is enthusiastic and energetic. It is a workplace where employee well-being is taken care of and where there is an opportunity to be heard and influence things.”